Notice of Motions

In accordance with the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, the following motions were tabled at the June General Membership Meeting and will be voted on, or resolved, at the September General Membership Meeting (Wednesday, September 23, 2020):

MOTION: To donate a total of $1,000 to groups that have supported GRT drivers during the pandemic.
MOVED BY: Leon Tipovski
SECONDED BY: Tyler Kress

MOTION: To donate $1,000 to Rainbow Camp/Welcome Friend Association.
MOVED BY: Terri Kepic
SECONDED BY: Warren Schnurr

MOTION: To continue to hold union meetings in July and August for 2020.
MOVED BY: John McDonald
SECONDED BY: Ken Vogelpohl

MOTION: To continue Zoom meetings until gatherings of over 100 members are allowed in Ontario, and then re-evaluate using Zoom at that time.
MOVED BY: Jason Banton
SECONDED BY: John McDonald

Posted in: Meeting Notices, Notice of Motion

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