Four Football Players with text that says Unifor NFL Fantasy Pool

To: Local Union Presidents and Recording Secretaries


The incredible tough year continues for our members with restrictions in place curtailing many programs of our union, especially the in-person activities of the Recreation Department.

The virtual ‘Fantasy Hockey Pool’ held during last year’s hockey season was a tremendous success with close to 1,700 of our Unifor members participating, from coast to coast to coast.

The Recreation Department is building on that success with the 1st Annual Unifor NFL FANTASY FOOTBALL POOL. It is a simple straight forward pool, you don’t have to be an expert to participate, no entry fee for Unifor members and retirees and some great weekly/monthly prizes along with the overall grand prize winners at the end of the season.

The deadline to register is Wednesday, September 8th and the link for the pool is www.unifor.org/nflpool.

Please share this information with your members, the more the merrier and good luck to all the participants.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at recreation@unifor.org

In solidarity,

Bill Apsey                                                                     John Aman

Chair, National Recreation Committee                        Director, Recreation Department

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Are you prepared to vote in the federal election?

All Local 4304 members,

The federal election campaign clock has begun ticking away!  Are you sure you’re prepared to vote?

Canadians have several options available to them to vote in the federal election; Canadians can vote in person but can also vote by mail!  Now is the time to make sure you’re registered to vote to ensure you receive your voter information card from Elections Canada and to ensure your voter registration information is correct, most Canadians opt to have the voter information sent to Elections Canada as an option when they file their income taxes, but many do not.  If you’re not registered to vote you can register at the polling station but you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle by registering ahead of time.

Use the Elections Canada Voter Registration Service to check if you’re registered to vote, to update the address on your voter registration, to register to vote, and to apply to vote by mail (you will be required to upload proof of identity and address).  If you plan to cast your vote by mail you should apply for your special mail-in ballot as soon as possible using the Elections Canada Voter Registration Service.

Below are some handy infographics provided by Elections Canada to help you with preparing to vote in the federal election.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Chair, Union in Politics Committee
Unifor Local 4304

Election Day is Monday, September 20, 2021
Advanced Polls are open each day from Friday, September 10, 2021 to Monday, September 13, 2021

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Federal Election Called

To all Local 4304 members,

As you may have already heard in the news the Prime Minister has called a snap federal election.  As Canadians we have the right, and responsibility, to use our vote to choose our nation’s leaders.

This is a particularly short election period; election day is Monday, September 20, 2021 and advance polls will be held at some point prior to that.

Our committee is not going to tell you who to vote for but as the election campaign progresses we will do our best to provide information about all the options available as well as information on how you can exercise you vote with information about advanced polls, etc.

We would ask that when making you choice to also consider how our new federal government can have an impact on our workplace.  While we are not a federally regulated workplace, the federal government can and does provide investments in public transportation that can lead to more employment opportunities for our members and our brothers an sisters in transit across the country.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Chair, Union in Politics Committee
Unifor Local 4304

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AT 11:00AM & 7:30PM




  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Presiding Officers





  1. General Membership Meeting Minutes from June 16, 2021 to be approved



  1. President’s Report
  2. Vice-President’s Report
  3. Unit Chairperson’s Report
  4. Committee Reports submitted in advance of meeting
  5. Any other reports from the floor?



  1. Financial Report for the month of June 2021 to be approved
  1. Financial Report for the month of July 2021 to be approved



  1. Union in politics intercity bus service presentation.


MOTION: To Recommend this presentation to the General Membership.

MOVED BY: Ken Vogelpohl

SECONDED BY: Angelo Neziri

RESULT: Unanimously in favour – Motion carried.



  1. Executive Board Meeting Minutes from July 6, 2021  to be accepted



  1. WSIB Representative Position

MOTION: To remove Lisa Hatherly from the WSIB Representative position.

MOVED BY: Sue Turner

SECONDED BY: Kelly Hearty




  1. Union Hall Update – Brendan
  2. Union Hall Suggestions – Leon 
  3. Orange Dress down Friday for the Indigenious Children – Leon
  4. Surprise for our first meeting with a new exec. – Dwayne
  5. Union in politics intercity bus service presentation – Warren
  6. Any new business from the floor?



  1. Is there any good and welfare?  Does any member know of another member in need?




Reports from Committees: Committees should submit WRITTEN reports, as required by the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, to recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org no later than Monday, August 16, 2021, so they may be posted online for the membership attending the General Membership Meeting.


Attendance Reminder for Local 4304 Representatives: In accordance with the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, all Officers, Committee Chairpersons and Chief Stewards are required to attend at least 2 out of every 3 General Membership Meetings unless proper regrets are given to, and approved by, the Executive Board.

Posted in: Meeting Agenda/Notice, Meeting Notices

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Union Representative Binders

Union Representative Binders
FYI for all Conventional/Mobility Plus Operators and Fleet Technicians:
I have placed Binders with the newly updated list of Union Representatives at all of the locations listed below with the exception of the Strasburg Garage (posted inside glass case). They all have the same cover on the front of the binders, so please read and respect what it says. I have put in a lot of time and effort to contact all of the representatives and get this updated and put out as quickly as I could. I would like to thank all of the representatives that replied back to me allowing me to make this happen for our members. The list of locations below shows you where I placed it in those locations. I would like to thank all of the members for their patience as I worked to get this finalized for you.
In Solidarity,
Angelo Neziri
Recording Secretary
Unifor 4304

Posted in: Messages & Announcmenets

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Executive Notice

Executive Notice

Hello everyone,

It has been brought to the Executive Board’s attention that members are aggressively approaching various committee representatives about scheduling, operations, and health and safety issues. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

We are all volunteering our own time to do the very best for this membership. We are here to represent the entire membership. We are not here to cater to certain people or groups. We need to consider every single member when it comes to the decisions that are made within all the committees. These decisions are not easy and there are many factors to consider when these decisions are made.

If you have issues with these decisions, please voice your thoughts and opinions at a union meeting and not in the lunchrooms or on platforms. Another option would be to write your thoughts down in an email and send it to the committee in question.

We are all brothers and sisters working together to improve things. We need to be united as a membership because any division only benefits management. So please be involved in a positive way. Will there discussions, yes, disagreements, absolutely, and growth, most certainly.

Disagreement doesn’t mean dissension. This membership needs to have many open and honest discussions. We can all learn and we all have something to contribute. Let’s all do this together for the better of all.
In Solidarity,
Your Executive Board

Posted in: Messages & Announcmenets

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Leaving No One Behind

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

Unifor commemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on Monday, August 9 and this year’s commemoration focuses on the theme “Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract”.

On this day, we honour and recognize the diverse culture, history and achievements of Indigenous Peoples here in Canada and around the world. We call on all governments worldwide and for all Canadians to recognize and respect Indigenous rights wherever Indigenous citizens reside.

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was first established by the United Nations in 1994 to mark the day of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations. On this day, people around the world are encouraged to spread the UN’s message on the protection and promotion of the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Covid 19 pandemic has laid bare the inequalities affecting Indigenous communities in Canada and around the world. The United Nations has called for plans to build stronger, equity-focused health systems and to strengthen social protections and public services that are based on the genuine inclusion, participation, and approval of Indigenous peoples.

What would a new social contract between citizens and states that secures rights and dignity for all and leave no one behind look like? That addresses the needs of groups that are often left out? The choices made by world leaders must heed the calls create a just and sustainable future that ensures that all people can share in prosperity. We need a new social contract that delivers recovery and resilience.

In the upcoming year, our union will work to pressure the Government of Canada to act on the following:

  • Act for truth and reconciliation by fully implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
  • Make urgent, systemic changes to protect Indigenous women and girls and two-spirited people. The 231 calls for justice issued two years ago by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and two-spirited (MMIWG2S). The federal government’s recent response to the report was inadequate and more work is needed.
  • Demand that all Members of Parliament be a vocal supporter of the 94 Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. They are an urgent call to action for government and organizations to take meaningful action on a many outstanding issues, ranging from protecting language and culture to education to ensuring justice for the victims of residential school violence.

Online Events

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2021 Virtual Commemoration

August 9, 2021 9 a.m.–11 a.m. EDT

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I_WCWGQbQjC0K4S3U5bOMQ

The 2021 commemoration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples will feature a virtual interactive discussion on the distinct elements to be considered when building and redesigning a new social contract that is inclusive of Indigenous peoples—where Indigenous peoples’ own forms of governance and ways of life must be respected and based on their free, prior and informed consent and genuine and inclusive participation and partnership.

New Video – Drag the Red campaign

Unifor is a key supporter and sponsor of the Winnipeg community-driven campaign to drag the Red River in Manitoba. When the community organizers needed a new vessel to continue their work, Unifor made a donation from the Canadian Community Fund to supply a new purpose-built aluminum boat.

Watch the new video documenting the Drag the Red Boat launch and the history and context of this important project.

Video screenshot of an aluminum boat with a red canopy on the Red River. The boat says Drag the Red on the side and has a Unifor logo on the hull.



Ne laisser personne de côté

Journée internationale des peuples autochtones

Unifor commémore la Journée internationale des peuples autochtones le lundi 9 août et la commémoration de cette année porte sur le thème « Ne laisser personne de côté : Les peuples autochtones et l’appel à un nouveau contrat social ».

En ce jour, nous honorons et reconnaissons la diversité de la culture, de l’histoire et des réalisations des peuples autochtones, ici au Canada et dans le monde entier. Nous demandons à tous les gouvernements du monde entier et à tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes de reconnaître et de respecter les droits des autochtones, où qu’ils résident.

La Journée internationale des peuples autochtones a été instituée par les Nations Unies en 1994 pour marquer le jour de la première réunion du Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur les populations autochtones. À l’occasion de cette journée, les gens du monde entier sont encouragés à diffuser le message de l’ONU sur la protection et la promotion des droits des peuples autochtones.

La pandémie de la COVID-19 a mis à nu les inégalités dont souffrent les communautés autochtones du Canada et du monde entier. Les Nations Unies ont demandé que des plans soient élaborés pour mettre en place des systèmes de santé plus solides, axés sur l’équité, et pour renforcer les protections sociales et les services publics fondés sur l’inclusion, la participation et l’approbation véritables des peuples autochtones.

À quoi ressemblerait un nouveau contrat social entre les citoyens et les États qui garantirait les droits et la dignité de tous et ne laisserait personne de côté? Un contrat qui réponde aux besoins des groupes qui sont souvent laissés pour compte? Les choix faits par les dirigeants mondiaux doivent tenir compte des appels à créer un avenir juste et durable qui garantisse que tous les peuples puissent partager la prospérité. Nous avons besoin d’un nouveau contrat social qui assure la reprise et la résilience.

Au cours de l’année à venir, notre syndicat s’efforcera de faire pression sur le gouvernement du Canada pour qu’il agisse sur les points suivants:

  • Agir pour la vérité et la réconciliation en mettant pleinement en œuvre la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (DNUDPA).
  • Apporter des changements systémiques urgents pour protéger les femmes et les filles autochtones et les personnes bi-spirituelles. Les 231 appels à la justice lancés il y a deux ans dans le rapport de l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes, les filles et les personnes bispirituelles autochtones disparues et assassinées (FFADA2S). La réponse récente du gouvernement fédéral à ce rapport est inadéquate, il faut poursuivre le travail.
  • Réclamer que tous les membres du Parlement soutiennent avec force les 94 appels à l’action lancés par la Commission Vérité et Réconciliation. Il s’agit d’un appel urgent à l’action pour que le gouvernement et les organisations prennent des mesures significatives sur un grand nombre de questions en suspens, allant de la protection de la langue et de la culture à l’éducation, en passant par la garantie de justice pour les victimes de violence dans les pensionnats.

Événements en ligne

Commémoration virtuelle de l’Instance permanente des Nations Unies sur les questions autochtones 2021

Le 9 août 2021 de 9 h à 11 h HNE

Lien pour s’inscrire: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I_WCWGQbQjC0K4S3U5bOMQ

La commémoration en 2021 de la Journée internationale des peuples autochtones donnera lieu à une discussion interactive virtuelle sur les éléments distincts à prendre en compte lors de l’élaboration et de la refonte d’un nouveau contrat social incluant les peuples autochtones – où les formes de gouvernance et les modes de vie propres aux peuples autochtones doivent être respectés et fondés sur leur consentement libre, préalable et éclairé, ainsi que sur une participation et un partenariat authentiques et inclusifs.

Nouvelle vidéo – Campagne « Drag the Red »

Unifor soutient et commandite de façon importante la campagne menée par la communauté de Winnipeg pour draguer la rivière Rouge au Manitoba. Lorsque les organisateurs communautaires ont eu besoin d’un nouveau bateau pour poursuivre leur travail, Unifor a fait un don du Fonds communautaire canadien pour fournir un nouveau bateau en aluminium spécialement conçu à cette fin.

Regardez la nouvelle vidéo sur le lancement du bateau « Drag the Red » ainsi que sur l’histoire et le contexte de cet important projet.

Capture d'écran vidéo d'un bateau en aluminium avec un auvent rouge sur la rivière Rouge. Le bateau porte l'inscription Drag the Red sur le côté et le logo d'Unifor sur la coque.

Posted in: In The News

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AGENDA CALL – Reminder

AGENDA CALL – Reminder

AGENDA CALL – Reminder




Any members wishing to place items on the agenda of the next General Membership Meeting should submit their agenda items to recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org no later than Wednesday August 11, 2021.  However, members are still welcome to raise any new business without pre-submitting any agenda items.  In accordance with the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, the General Membership Meeting Agenda/Notice will be posted 7 days prior to the General Membership Meeting.


Committees should submit written reports, as required by the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, to recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org no later than Monday August 16, 2021, so they may be posted online for members prior to the General Membership Meeting and distributed at the General Membership Meeting.


Yours in solidarity,

Angelo Neziri
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Agenda Call, Meeting Notices

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August General Membership Meeting – Reminder

August General Membership Meeting – Reminder

All Local 4304 members,

This is just a reminder for all members that the next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM to be held online via Zoom.  All members wishing to attend should RSVP to recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend, but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is https://zoom.us/j/5680262113.  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

Yours in solidarity,

Angelo Neziri
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Meeting Agenda/Notice, Meeting Notices

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