June General Membership Meeting – RSVP Requirement

Friday, June 19, 2020

To all Local 4304 members,

As earlier communicated, the June General Membership Meeting will be held online using the Zoom virtual conferencing system on Wednesday, June 24th.  In order to control who may ‘attend’ the meeting the Executive Board has voted to require all members wishing to participate to RSVP in advance for the meeting.  This requirement is being put in place to ensure a basic level of security for the meeting and to ensure that only Local 4304 members can attend and not other random strangers or members of management who may be online at the time.

If you plan to ‘attend’ the meeting please RSVP with your first and last name to recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org before the meeting day, Wednesday, June 24th.  Your name will be added to the RSVP list for the meeting itself.  You will also be required to connect to the meeting on Wednesday using your first and last name.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Meeting Notices

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