Archive for Meeting Agenda/Notice






AT 11:00AM & 7:30PM




  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Presiding Officers





  1. General Membership Meeting Minutes from June 16, 2021 to be approved



  1. President’s Report
  2. Vice-President’s Report
  3. Unit Chairperson’s Report
  4. Committee Reports submitted in advance of meeting
  5. Any other reports from the floor?



  1. Financial Report for the month of June 2021 to be approved
  1. Financial Report for the month of July 2021 to be approved



  1. Union in politics intercity bus service presentation.


MOTION: To Recommend this presentation to the General Membership.

MOVED BY: Ken Vogelpohl

SECONDED BY: Angelo Neziri

RESULT: Unanimously in favour – Motion carried.



  1. Executive Board Meeting Minutes from July 6, 2021  to be accepted



  1. WSIB Representative Position

MOTION: To remove Lisa Hatherly from the WSIB Representative position.

MOVED BY: Sue Turner

SECONDED BY: Kelly Hearty




  1. Union Hall Update – Brendan
  2. Union Hall Suggestions – Leon 
  3. Orange Dress down Friday for the Indigenious Children – Leon
  4. Surprise for our first meeting with a new exec. – Dwayne
  5. Union in politics intercity bus service presentation – Warren
  6. Any new business from the floor?



  1. Is there any good and welfare?  Does any member know of another member in need?




Reports from Committees: Committees should submit WRITTEN reports, as required by the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, to no later than Monday, August 16, 2021, so they may be posted online for the membership attending the General Membership Meeting.


Attendance Reminder for Local 4304 Representatives: In accordance with the Unifor Local 4304 By-Laws, all Officers, Committee Chairpersons and Chief Stewards are required to attend at least 2 out of every 3 General Membership Meetings unless proper regrets are given to, and approved by, the Executive Board.

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August General Membership Meeting – Reminder

August General Membership Meeting – Reminder

All Local 4304 members,

This is just a reminder for all members that the next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM to be held online via Zoom.  All members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend, but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

Yours in solidarity,

Angelo Neziri
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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August General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, August 18, 2021

All Local 4304 members,

The next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM to be held online via Zoom.  A reminder that all members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend, but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

Yours in solidarity,

Angelo Neziri
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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June General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, June 16, 2021

All Local 4304 members,

The June General Membership Meeting is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 11:00 AM and 7:30 PM to be held online via Zoom.  A reminder that all members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.  This will be the final General Membership Meeting for the 2018-2021 term of office!

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

In addition, Wednesday (June 16th) is also ELECTION DAY for Steward, Committee, and Delegate positions.  Don’t forget to vote either online or in-person!  To vote online simply login to the Unifor Local 4304 website on election day and select ‘VOTE’ from the main menu to get the link to your ballot.  Please make sure your access to the members-only section of the website is working before election day and contact if you need any assistance.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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May General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, May 19, 2021

All Local 4304 members,

The next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at 11:00 AM and 7:30 PM to be held online via Zoom.  A reminder that all members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

In addition, nominations for Steward, Committee & Delegate positions for the coming general election CLOSE at the end of this meeting!  All nominations for Stewards, Committees & Delegates MUST be submitted, AND accepted by the nominated member, before the end of the evening portion of the meeting to be included on the ballot for the Steward, Committee & Delegate election on June 16th.  Submit all nominations to

Lastly, Wednesday (May 19th) is also ELECTION DAY for Executive Board positions.  Don’t forget to vote either online or in-person!  To vote online simply login to the Unifor Local 4304 website on election day and select ‘VOTE’ from the main menu to get the link to your ballot.  Please make sure your access to the members-only section of the website is working before election day and contact if you need any assistance.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Elections, Meeting Agenda/Notice, Meeting Notices

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April General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, April 21, 2021

All Local 4304 members,

The next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM to be held online via Zoom.  A reminder that all members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend, but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

In addition, nominations for Executive Board positions for the coming general election CLOSE at the end of this meeting!  All nominations for the Executive Board MUST be submitted, AND accepted by the nominated member, before the end of the evening portion of the meeting to be included on the ballot for the Executive Board election on May 19th.  Submit all nominations to

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Elections, Meeting Agenda/Notice, Meeting Notices

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February General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, February 17, 2021

All Local 4304 members,

The next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM to be held online via Zoom.  A reminder that all members wishing to attend should RSVP to prior to the meeting.  Even if you’re not 100% certain you will be able to attend, but may be able to, you should still consider RSVPing to ensure access to the meeting is provided if you can participate.

The Zoom link to join the meeting is  This link does not change from month to month so save it for future reference and feel free to share it with other Local 4304 members.  All members attending the meeting should join with their first and last names to ensure the Sergeant-At-Arms knows who is being properly admitted.

In addition, the new Election Committee for the coming round of union elections will be selected at the General Membership Meeting; several members have already been nominated to the committee.  If you wish to nominate yourself, or another member, to be on the new Election Committee be sure to submit the nominations in writing to or orally at the General Membership Meeting.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

Posted in: Elections, Meeting Agenda/Notice, Meeting Notices

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January General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, January 20, 2021

To all Local 4304 members,

A reminder that the January General Membership Meeting will be held via Zoom this Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM.  As a reminder, an RSVP to will be required prior to the meeting for any members wishing to attend.  So, if you haven’t already done so, send in your RSVP as soon as possible.  To connect to the meeting simply use the following link:

General Meeting Minutes, Pre-Submitted Committee Reports, Financial Reports and Executive Meeting Minutes for the meeting will be linked in the Zoom chat as the agenda items progress. However, please make every effort to download these materials in advance from the union website and review them before the meeting if at all possible since not all devices can access the Zoom chat links and so the meeting business can progress more quickly.

NOTE: The October, November, and December General Membership Meetings did not receive a quorum of members, therefore any business that arose at those meetings will need to be raised again this month.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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December General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, December 16, 2020

To all Local 4304 members,

The December General Membership Meeting will be held via Zoom next Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM.  As a reminder, an RSVP to will be required prior to the meeting for any members wishing to attend.  The Sergeant-At-Arms has requested that all members wishing to attend RSVP by midnight before the meeting, so please don’t forget to RSVP! To connect to the meeting simply use the following link:

General Meeting Minutes, Pre-Submitted Committee Reports, Financial Reports and Executive Meeting Minutes for the meeting will be linked in the Zoom chat as the agenda items progress. However, please make every effort to download these materials in advance from the union website and review them before the meeting if at all possible since not all devices can access the Zoom chat links and so the meeting business can progress more quickly.

NOTE: The October and November General Membership Meetings did not receive a quorum of members, therefore any business that arose at those meetings will need to be raised again this month.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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November General Membership Meeting – Wednesday, November 18, 2020

To all Local 4304 members,

The November General Membership Meeting will be held via Zoom next Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 at 11:00AM and 7:30PM.  As a reminder, an RSVP to will be required prior to the meeting for any members wishing to attend.  To connect to the meeting simply use the following link:

General Meeting Minutes, Pre-Submitted Committee Reports, Financial Reports and Executive Meeting Minutes for the meeting will be linked in the Zoom chat as the agenda items progress. However, please make every effort to download these materials in advance from the union website and review them before the meeting if at all possible since not all devices can access the Zoom chat links and so the meeting business can progress more quickly.

NOTE: The October General Membership Meeting did not receive a quorum of members, therefore any business that arose at the October meeting will need to be raised again this month.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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