By-Law Amendment Approved

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

To all Local 4304 members,

At the December 2018 General Membership Meeting the membership approved an amendment to the Local 4304 By-Laws to reduce quorum for General Membership Meetings from 25 to 15.  Effective Monday, March 18, 2019, the National Union has given their approval to this by-law amendment under the condition that, in Appendix A of the By-Laws, the Pier Diem amount for when no overnight stay is required is amended to be $20 per the National Union Policy regarding Local Union Expenses, these changes take effective immediately.  The approval letter from the National Union is available upon request.

The approved/amended Local 4304 By-Laws are now available for download in the members-only area on the Local 4304 website under ‘Your Union’ > ‘Constitution & By-Laws’.

In addition, the Constitution & By-Laws Committee and Recording Secretary continue to review the By-Laws as a whole and plan to introduce a comprehensive package of by-law amendments at the June General Membership Meeting for the membership to review and consider over the summer months.  The goals of the upcoming by-law amendment package are to clean up existing language, eliminate various grey areas, streamline operations of the Local and codify good governance practices; stay tuned for more information in this regard.

Yours in solidarity,

Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304

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