2021 General Election Nominations
To all Local 4304 members,
Another reminder goes out to all members that nominations are OPEN for all Executive Board, Steward and Committee positions for both bargaining units for the coming General Elections. Members may also now view the nominations for all positions online at: http://tiny.cc/2021Local4304Nominations. This spreadsheet is continually updated as nominations are received and accepted or rejected.
Nominations for all Executive Board positions close at the end of the April General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
Nominations for all Steward and Committee positions close at the end of the May General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.
All nominations should be sent to the Recording Secretary at recordingsecretary@unifor4304.org before the close of nominations or may be given orally at the respective General Membership Meeting. Nominations from members for a member other than themselves must also be accepted by the nominated member to be included on the appropriate ballot.
I would also like to request that all members make every effort to share this information among the rest of the membership. If you are inclined also feel free to post this message in the workplace locations where you are working from or forward this to members who may not yet have registered on the Local 4304 website. Management-imposed pandemic restrictions on entering the workplace have made it difficult to post the required information as widely as possible since we are not permitted to enter the workplace except for our required work shifts; having the assistance of other members to post this in locations they are already working out of would be greatly appreciated!!
Yours in solidarity,
Warren Schnurr
Recording Secretary
Unifor Local 4304
Posted in: Elections
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